Feb 9, 2013

Linux/Magento: Daily useful development commands

These are the daily commands I use at work. This will definately help someone who is not familiar with all these commands in Linux and Magento.

Linux: Search / Replace recursively

find /path/here/ -type f -exec sed -i ‘s/search string/replace string/g’ {} \;

Linux: Find all files matching a string

grep -r “string to search” /path/to/search/

Linux: In vi editor, copy/paste/delete/replace/insert/save/undo/redo/search-replace/goto
Open file: vi filename
Copy: yy (yank) (for multiple lines copy, 5yy – for copying 5 lines)
Paste: p
Delete: dd (for multiple lines delete, 5dd – for deleting 5 lines)
Replace: r (on character you wish to replace, press r and enter new character)
Insert: i or insert key
Save: escape and : x (without space between : and x) (x = write and quit, w = write, q = quit, q! = quit without saving)
Undo: u
Redo: Ctrl+R
Search: escape key THEN / THEN write string to find THEN enter
Search-Replace: :%s/search string/replacement string/g
Goto Line number: escape key THEN : THEN line number (e.g. :22 to go to 22nd line of current file)

Linux: Search previous execute command in terminal

in terminal, press Ctrl+R and type few characters.
This will show you previous command matching that sequence of characters
To check another command matching same characters, press Ctrl+R again

Linux: Recursively change files/directories permissions

find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;

owner / read (4) + write (2) + execute (1)
group / read (4) + write (2) + execute (1)
world / read (4) + write (2) + execute (1)

Linux: Show unique values of any column in CSV

cat file.csv | cut -f 1 -d , | sort|uniq -c | tee tempfile

here, 1 = 1st column, which can be changed to view any column
uniq -c = unique values with count of occurences of each value. You can omit -c to just see the unique values
file.csv = filename, you can have any file here with any extension
, = delimiter used to separate columns
tee tempfile = moves the output to file “tempfile”

Linux: Recursively change ownership of directories/files

chown -R www-data:www-data magento
-R = for recursive
www-data:www-data = change owner to www-data (apache)
magento = directory to change permission for, recursively

Linux: Remove all Magento cache files

From your magento root in terminal, execute this:
rm -rf var/cache/*
DON’T put any space after cache/ and *, otherwise it will delete your WHOLE magento project 😀

To delete all the active sessions on your magento store,
rm -rf var/session/*

Linux: Download any Magento Extension through terminal

./mage config-set preferred_state stable
./mage clear-cache
./mage sync
./mage download community extension_name_here

for beta state, change “stable” to “beta” in the first command

Linux: Start/Stop/Status/Restart Mysql, Apache2

service apache2 start OR /etc/init.d/apache2 start
service mysql start OR /etc/init.d/mysql start

replace start with stop, status, restart for respective operations

Linux: To forcefully kill stubborn/hanged process

In terminal, type “top” (without quotes)
That will display all the processes running, just note down the process id to kill
Then press key “k” and enter process id. Press enter key twice.

Linux: Return to active terminal after remote server ssh is dead/not responding/session expired

Press following keys to get back from remote server not responding (expired session)
Enter ~ .

Magento: Get all the methods of the class object


Magento: Testing Magento code/functionality

Create a file in Magento root, test.php
Copy this code inside it:

Now run the script at http://magentoproject/test.php

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Kalpesh MehtaHelping Magento developers in their day-to-day development problems since 2011. Most of the problems and solutions here are my own experiences while working on different projects. Enjoy the blog and don't forget to throw comments and likes/+1's/tweets on posts you like. Thanks for visiting!




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