Browsing articles tagged with "EAV Archives - Kalpesh Mehta"
Apr 28, 2013

Magento join EAV collection with Flat table

Joining tables in Magento when it comes to EAV with Flat table is quite complicated. Consider you want to join sales_flat_order table with customer EAV tables to get Customer’s firstname and lastname, it becomes difficult as customer’s name comes from customer_entity_varchar table.

Below code will join sales order flat table with customer EAV to get customer’s full name in the collection along with all the order details.

$coll = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection();

$fn = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')->loadByCode('1', 'firstname');
$ln = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')->loadByCode('1', 'lastname');

    ->join(array('ce1' => 'customer_entity_varchar'), 'ce1.entity_id=main_table.customer_id', array('firstname' => 'value'))
    ->join(array('ce2' => 'customer_entity_varchar'), 'ce2.entity_id=main_table.customer_id', array('lastname' => 'value'))
    ->columns(new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT(`ce1`.`value`, ' ',`ce2`.`value`) AS fullname"));

Jun 6, 2011

Magento: Get all the values of a Magento EAV for a particular attribute code

If you have ever wondered how to get all the values of any EAV attribute for products in Magento, then this is the workaround for you:

$attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/config')->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'color'); //here, "color" is the attribute_code
$allOptions = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(true, true);
foreach ($allOptions as $instance) {
    $myArray[$instance['value']] = $instance['label'];

You will get list of all colors in an array called “myArray” in value => label format.

Welcome to my Blog

Kalpesh MehtaHelping Magento developers in their day-to-day development problems since 2011. Most of the problems and solutions here are my own experiences while working on different projects. Enjoy the blog and don't forget to throw comments and likes/+1's/tweets on posts you like. Thanks for visiting!




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