May 26, 2013

Magento get subcategories of a category by category ID

Get all the subcategories of any category in Magento.

If you have a category ID (current category OR any category) then you can easily get all the subcategories of that particular category.

Below code will load all the subcategories of the current category. You can even get all the subcategories of any specific category by assigning category ID to $catID.

$catID = $current_category->getId(); //or any specific category id, e.g. 5
$children = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories($catID);
foreach ($children as $category) {
        echo $category->getId();
        echo $category->getName();
        echo $category->getRequestPath();

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Kalpesh MehtaHelping Magento developers in their day-to-day development problems since 2011. Most of the problems and solutions here are my own experiences while working on different projects. Enjoy the blog and don't forget to throw comments and likes/+1's/tweets on posts you like. Thanks for visiting!




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